This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Description


In a time where the European Union seems to become more fragile, it appears particularly important to raise awareness for the common roots which link up the Romance, Greek, Slavic, Baltic and other cultures which strongly influenced Europe and embracing the whole Mediterranean tradition. The Pastille project identifies in Italian language and culture a common heritage to be promoted in a transnational way, so to create a more profound sense of community amongst the beneficiaries of the project.


The objectives of the Pastille project are:

  • to offer a new, high-level, educational teaching method for Italian as a foreign language, which is focused on an interdisciplinary approach;
  • to enhance the motivation of Italian language’ learners to improve their linguistic skills, cultural competences and communitarian, European, Mediterranean awareness;
  • to increase the chances of Italian language’ learners on the local and international labour market.

Target Groups

The project is addressed to:

  • University Lecturers
  • University Researchers
  • University Students

Expected Results

The main project results include:

  • Methodological Guidelines, designed so to answer to the needs of teachers of Italian language and university students;
  • Didactic Units, providing language students with the opportunity to get in touch with the culture;
  • Reference Textbook, optimized for the implementation of the Pastille method;
  • Audio Visual and Multimedia Materials, assisting Italian language teachers in using up-to-date technology in their teaching.

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